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Polyrama Storytelling Game

to Share and Connect

At Polyrama we provide a space to learn about different life stories, perspectives, and pathways. We put emphasis on the practice of listening—how do I actively listen, what effect does it have on myself and other people, and how do I feel when others intentionally listen to me? Together with our youth club Polyrama Young, we developed a storytelling game that invites mutual sharing and listening. Whether you've known each other for a long time or just met, you can play it in pairs or in a group—with friends or family. With minimal yet essential rules, the question and action cards enable players to exchange experiences and perspectives, discovering new facets of each other.

The Polyrama storytelling game is now available at our carefully curated museum shop. If you can`t come by to visit, we're happy to send it to your home—just email us at spiel@polyrama.de

Polyrama Evening of Stories

Okan Seese sitzt auf einer Bühne, die dramatisch beleuchtet ist. Er trägt High Heels und hält sich mit den Fingern die Ohren zu. Ein Mikrofon baumelt vor ihm in der Luft.

From now on, we are hosting a game night every two weeks dedicated to the life experiences of our guests—an opportunity to play the game at the museum and practice storytelling and listening together.

Ten people from different backgrounds come together and share their personal experiences. The storytelling game will be moderated by rotating Polyrama staff. In a playful and protected atmosphere, we provide an open space for all kinds of stories to be told and heard.

We warmly invite everyone,
- who is curious about other life experiences and realities
- who is open to talk about their experiences
- who enjoys sharing, but might be more shy

Okan Seese sitzt auf einer Bühne, die dramatisch beleuchtet ist. Er trägt High Heels und hält sich mit den Fingern die Ohren zu. Ein Mikrofon baumelt vor ihm in der Luft.

Feel free to come alone!
The game offers a great opportunity to meet new people, even for those who aren't small-talk experts.

The game nights organized by Polyrama will be held in German and English—with alternating rounds that are open to all or aim to create a safer space for various communities. Additionally, we offer you the opportunity to invite people from your community to our museum and organize your own game nights with the Polyrama storytelling game. For inquiries you can send us an email at spiel@polyrama.de.

Ticket including one drink
Reduced: €8
Regular: €12
Solidarity rate: €16

Follow the link to our ticket shop!